How to properly care for a car: simple tips for everyone

Every car enthusiast dreams of making his car look like new, even years later. But keeping the car in excellent condition is not only a matter of beauty, but also of its durability. How can you extend the life of your car at no extra cost?

Regular car washing and cleaning

The first thing that catches your eye when you see a car is its appearance. Regular washing helps not only to maintain cleanliness, but also protects the body from harmful environmental influences. Dust, dirt, salt and chemicals can gradually corrode the paintwork and lead to rust. Here are some tips on how to wash your car properly:

  • Use a special shampoo for the car, avoid household detergents.
  • Wash the car in the shade or in the cool of the day so that the water does not evaporate too quickly, leaving stains.
  • Pay special attention to the wheels and the bottom of the car — most dirt accumulates here.
  • Do not forget about regular polishing to protect the paintwork.

Periodically, it is worth using the services of professionals such as PDR Carepoint, who can offer high-quality car care, including polishing and protecting the body from minor damage.

Body care: how to avoid dents and scratches

Even the most careful driver sooner or later comes across small dents or scratches on the body. This may be the result of careless maneuvering, hitting doors in the parking lot, or objects falling on the hood. There are several ways to avoid such damage:

  • Try to park in safe places, avoid cramped parking lots.
  • Use covers or protective coverings in places that are most susceptible to impact.
  • Make sure that you have hood stands — racks that will help hold the hood in a safe position if it needs to be lifted.

Special kits such as pdr tool sets can be used to eliminate small dents or scratches without painting. They allow you to fix minor damage to the body without resorting to expensive repairs. If there are more complex damages on the body, you can always contact professionals.

The importance of regular technical inspection

The car is not only a beautiful body, but also a complex mechanism that requires regular maintenance. Even if the car looks perfect externally, do not forget about its “insides”. A timely inspection allows you to detect minor problems before they develop into serious problems. Here are the main points to pay attention to when examining:

  • Checking the oil level and replacing it.
  • The condition of the brake system — brake pads, fluid.
  • The battery status is its charge and contacts.
  • Checking the tires for wear and maintaining the correct pressure.

Do not forget to also pay attention to the climate system and filters — their cleanliness directly affects driving comfort and the condition of the cabin. Regular technical inspection will not only prolong the service life of the car, but also ensure safety on the road.

DIY Repair Kits

It is not always possible or desirable to contact a car service about minor malfunctions. Minor breakdowns and damages can be repaired on their own, if you have the right tools and materials at hand. Here is a list of the main things that are worth having in the garage or trunk:

  • A set of repair tools (keys, screwdrivers, pliers, etc.).
  • Body repair kits (PDR Glue, scratch repair kits).
  • A jack and a spare tire replacement wheel.
  • Stock of oil, brake and coolant.

PDR Glue is an adhesive compound that is used to remove small dents on the car body. It helps to straighten the dent without damaging the paintwork, which makes it indispensable for motorists who prefer self-repair.

Proper car care is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. Regular cleaning, maintenance monitoring and minor repairs will help keep your car in excellent condition for many years to come. The main thing is to give the car a little time and attention, and it will respond to you with a long and trouble—free service.